The Best Therapist Websites of 2020

by | Dec 21, 2020 | Marketing A Private Practice, Private Practice Website

For a more up-to-date list of some of our favorite therapist websites, please visit our portfolio.

2020 has been an absolutely wild and unpredictable year for all of us.

Due to the pandemic, we saw a significant shift in therapy practices all over the country as many began to focus more heavily on attracting clients with their therapy website.

Although there was a lot of uncertainty at the outset, it’s clear to see that people are still using the internet to search for mental health services.

I was extremely grateful and humbled that Private Practice Elevation was able to work with a handful of therapists and private practice owners to help them bring new life to their online presence and website design.

In this post, I rounded up some of our favorite therapy website designs from 2020.

If you’re looking to grow your private practice in 2021 by investing in your online presence, you can click through the following websites to gather some inspiration.

Evolution Wellness

Evolution Wellness is a group practice in Wilmington, NC. At Evolution Wellness, they want to create a company where people feel valued. Where relationships matter.

For the client, they want the therapy experience to be one of excellence. They created an office environment that is beautiful and relaxing.

You can also listen to my conversation with the owner, Kayla Reilly, as we discuss her project, how she knew it was time to invest in a website redesign, and her journey to group practice CEO. 

Elemental Counseling

Corie Washow is a therapist in Freeport, Maine who incorporates nature into her therapy. Corie has worked in both the social service and environmental education fields, and have learned that combining the two is a deeply powerful way to support people. She gets to explore the amazing world around us with good people AND support those people to find connection and clarity in a distracting, unbalanced world. Plus, she’s outside a bunch which is an amazing way to spend a workday.

Therapist Uncensored

Therapist Uncensored is a podcast where hosts Ann Kelley and Sue Marriott translate complex relational sciences and psychology into understandable and practical tools that can give you the power you need to uncover your best self. 

They will help you understand how to update and reset your unconscious expectations of yourself and others. These changes can have life-changing impacts on your mind, your choice of partners, your parenting, your social relationships, your work life, and how you interact in the world.

John Riley PLC

John Riley, LPC, is a therapist working with individuals in Mebane, NC. While you may have strong connections with loved ones and live a healthy lifestyle, he can help you work with underlying feelings of disconnect or disarray, such as anxiety or sadness that you cannot explain, constant worrying or feeling overwhelmed, often in situations that others seem to handle with ease, criticizing and harshly judging your-self and, struggling with day to day challenges that those around you seem to take in stride. 

You can check out a case study about John’s project and the results here: John Riley Case Study

Long Island Psychology

I was super excited to work on a website for a private practice based near where I grew up: Long Island. Marc Shulman and Atara Wertentheil’s goal is to create a safe, non-judgmental and comfortable space for all of our clients. 

Rather than use a one-size-fits-all approach to therapy, we tailor a treatment plan to meet your specific needs so that you may achieve your goals and live a happier, more productive life.

If you want to learn how you can use specialty pages to kick but at SEO and get lots of traffic, check out their website.

Thrive Physical Therapy

We had a great time helping Ashley and Jerremy Lorch grow their Rochester-based physical therapy practice with a whole new website. Thrive is a team of knowledgeable and experienced physical therapists who offer outpatient physical therapy services in the comfort of your own home. 

Their skilled professionals will visit you at home (anywhere in Greater Rochester) for your physical therapy sessions, so there’s no need to worry about rides to and from an office, or factoring a commute into your busy schedule. 

Full Circle Counseling Services

Julie Fischer is a feminist-holistic therapist in Appleton WI. Her mission is to facilitate true healing, health, and happiness through empowerment; because she believes that when each of us claims the power of our own unique and authentic life unencumbered by rigid roles and damaging hierarchy, then this world can truly begin to heal, individually, collectively, politically, environmentally and universally.

Check Out More of Our Therapist Websites

We hope you enjoyed checking out our best therapist websites of 2020. To get more inspiration for your own private practice website, and to view more of the work we’ve done here at Private Practice Elevation, click the links below:

Start Your Custom Website Project Today With a Free Clarity Call

We’re always looking for new therapists and private practices to partner with.

If you’d like to find out how a new therapy website can help support your business goals, schedule a free 15-minute Clarity Call today.

Grow your private practice with a new website strategy.

Get more traffic. Get more clients. Scale your practice.


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