03. 10 Simple Guidelines for Writing Copy for Your Therapist Website

by | Apr 22, 2019 | Private Practice Website

Trying to create a great therapist website?

Want to make sure the copy on your site is perfect?

One of the hardest parts of making a great website to market your therapy services is writing copy that is attention-grabbing and convinces potential patients to get in touch. Luckily, while great copywriting can be difficult, it is a skill that you can learn if you want to make your website the best that it can be.

Below we’ll give you our top 10 tips for writing great copy on your therapist website.

1. Be Clear Who Your Audience Is

The first thing you need to do to write great copy is to make sure your audience is clearly defined. Define who your ideal patient is and create a profile of them. Decide who can benefit the most from the type of therapy you offer.

Once you have defined your audience, then make sure that every part of your site is geared towards them and speaking directly to their wants and needs. By being clear about who your target patient is, every bit of copy you create will be much more powerful and effective as a result. 

2. Use a Call-to-Action 

Using calls-to-action (CTAs) is essential if you want your site to help you get new patients for your practice. Effective CTAs will help guide website visitors to do exactly what you want them to do.

If you want a potential client to set up an appointment then make it clear to them. Add CTAs to your homepage, service pages, and blog posts, to lead them to your contact page where they can get in touch.

3. Opt for Short and Simple

When creating website copy, make sure that you get to the point quickly. Keep your copy short and simple. Long paragraphs aren’t ideal for website copy since many people will simply be skimming through your site when visiting.

Using plenty of headlines and sub-headings is ideal and will do the best job at getting the key points about your services across. While you can expand on these points in the text below your headlines, don’t overdo it. Make sure that everything you write is short and concise.

You can always expand in more detail in blog posts or landing pages for your therapy services. But on thos top-level pages, best to keep it straight to the point.

4. Perfect Your Headlines

When creating your website, you also need to take special care to create powerful headlines. Headlines and subheadings should be attention-grabbing and short to have the best effect.

Remember that headlines will be the first thing that a new visitor to your site will see so make them count. Using bold fonts and using the word “you” can be a big help in making your headlines as captivating as possible.

5. Keep It Readable

You also need to pay attention to the readability of your copy as well.

One part of readability is choosing the right font. While elegant fonts can look nice, make sure that your copy can be readable with the font you choose. The words should be easy to read with a single glance. 

You’ll also want to make sure there aren’t any grammar or vocabulary mistakes in your copy. Glaring and obvious mistakes can turn people off from your services and make you seem unprofessional.

6. Be Honest and Authentic

It’s also important that you come across authentically and honestly in your therapist website copy. Try to let your personal voice shine through with your copy so that you seem like a real person. 

Read your website copy back to you to make sure it sounds like something you would say and that it feels tru to your voice and personality.

You should also be clear and accurate about what the client can and can’t achieve in a session. Be honest about the services you provide and about the timeline to help someone so that they can have a clear picture of what you offer.

7. Speak Directly to Your Audience

With your website copy, it’s also a good idea to use the 2nd person voice. Speak directly to your audience by using the word “you”.

Try to write your copy as though you were speaking to someone who is in the room with you. This type of direct point of view will feel more real and authentic and will be more attention-grabbing to website visitors.

8. Focus On Them

In your website copy, you also need to remember to keep your focus on the client rather than on yourself. While mentioning your qualifications and background can help, be sure that you’re not overdoing it.

The potential client is there to find out how you can help them with their problems or concerns. The exact number of degrees you have and where you got them won’t matter to them as much as the services you can provide.

9. Provide Real Information

Remember that with your website copy you want to be doing more than just attracting attention. Just as you should be doing with your blog posts, you also need to provide some value-filled information in your copy.

Anticipate common client questions about therapy and about your services and answer them in your copy. Help them understand how the process works and be clear about the benefits that your services can provide.

10. Keep It Hopeful

When creating your website copy, you should also make sure that you don’t accidentally insult your potential clients. Avoid making them feel guilty about their problems or like they’re not good enough.

Try to focus on the positive and ensure that you’re being hopeful with your copy. Tell them the positive things they can achieve from therapy rather than talking about what they may currently be lacking.

Make it clear that ther is always hope for their current situation and then offer your services as the best way to get there.

Crafting the Perfect Copy for Your Therapist Website

When creating a great therapist website, crafting the perfect copy is one of the most difficult challenges you’ll face. However, by using the tips listed above you’ll be able to create compelling copy that can help get your practice plenty of new patients.

Looking for more ways to get your therapist website off the ground? Click here to learn more about our services and to find out more about what we can do for you.

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