65. My Favorite WordPress Theme and Plugins for Therapists

by | Dec 7, 2020 | Podcast

In this week’s episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, I’m discussing the WordPress plugins and the one WordPress theme that we use on all of our custom therapy website design projects.

Did you know, at the time of writing this, it’s almost impossible to say exactly how many WordPress themes exist?

But according to Scepter Marketing, they counted over 31,000 themes that you could use to build your private practice website!

And the amount of plugins that you could add to your WordPress site is over 50,000!

If you’re building your own website for your practice, you can get quite overwhelmed quite fast when trying to narrow down what theme and plugins to use.

And as we discussed in episode 56 (5 Mistakes Therapists Make When Using WordPress), too many plugins can lead to major problems and website crashes.

So if you’re the one in charge of making these website decisions, or you’re actively keeping your WordPress website maintained and working smoothly, listen up as I share the very small list of plugins we install on each of our website builds and the theme we recommend.

Click here to listen in Apple Podcasts.

This Episode Is Brought To You By

If you’re ready to get your website working FOR you, I want to invite you to my free webinar, 7 Steps To Convert More Website Visitors into Your Ideal Clients.

In this webinar, I’ll show you:

  • How to speak to your ideal client so that they instantly know you’re qualified to help them and they’ll WANT to read your content
  • How to create a clear path toward contacting you so that you can increase the amount of calls you have with potential clients
  • How you can stand out as the go-to therapist for your ideal clients
  • How you can decrease the amount of hoops your visitors need to jump through so they can become your client EASILY
  • PLUS free resources just for attending

Just visit createmytherapistwebsite.com/webinar to register for a date and time that works for you.

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