10 of The Best WordPress Themes for Therapists

by | Jul 8, 2015 | Creating Your Website, Design & Inspiration, Wordpress for Therapists

UPDATE: More WordPress Themes for Therapists & Counselors

Since originally writing this post way back in 2015 many of these themes have become discontinued, so their links have been removed.

I’ve learned a thing or two since I started working with therapists to elevate their online presence back in 2016. There are only two themes we currently (in 20224) use at Private Practice Elevation when we create websites. Divi is the theme I recommend the most, which you can read about below. The other theme is Elementor, which you can learn about here.

Divi – ($69/yr, $89/yr or $249 one-time)

Divi WordPress themes for therapists

Divi is my personal WordPress theme of choice when it comes to the one-on-one custom websites I create for my own clients. After researching which WordPress themes offered the most customization, ease of use for updating and best options – I landed on Divi. It costs a little more than the others (they have a few different packages) on the list, but the service, support and flexibility you get is well worth it. It comes with a visual builder with 20+ pre-designed layouts so you can lay out beautiful web pages in just seconds. Plus EVERYTHING is customizable and if you need help, there’s a huge support community out there to help you.  Check out Divi and some of the amazing things you can do with it here.

I even wrote a whole blog post about Divi, you can read that over here.

Plus a podcast episode:

Learn about my favorite WordPress theme for therapists with this podcast episode.

Original Post:

It used to be very difficult and costly for someone to build a website for their therapy business.

Once upon a time, the only way to build a website was for you to find and hire a professional to develop it. Lots of time and lots of money. And even once it was complete, updating the site was a chore that required more time and a big learning curve. But fear not! In recent years, the rise of WordPress has made owning and building a professional looking website something that most people can do easily and quite affordably.

WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging and website framework. Think of it as the structure of your website, and the hub for creating all the pages and blog posts on your site. This “structure” is free for anyone to use. What is amazing is that you can then purchase professionally designed and developed themes to upgrade the look of your out-of-the-box WordPress website. Because this process is simple to do and cheap, I highly recommend it for building a website for your therapy practice (or anyone needing a website for that matter!).

For more info on buying a hosting account and installing WordPress themes, check out the post How to Start a Therapist Website in 10 Minutes (or less)

Because of the many beautiful WordPress themes out there today, building a great looking website is within the reach of any private practitioner. Here, we’ll take a look at 10 of the best options for therapist WordPress templates.


Wordpress theme for therapists


Adelia is another clean and minimal WordPress template that would be great for any therapy business. It comes with a built in drag-and-drop page builder that lets you create custom layouts for your site. It looks great on any device and it’s also optimized for search engine optimization to help your practice be found more easily on Google. It also comes with Layer Slider, which lets your create animated galleries. Adelia also promises 100% support, should you have any questions.


Enfold is a great WordPress theme for therapists

I may be a bit partial to this WordPress theme, considering it’s the theme I’m currently using on this website. I’ve been using Enfold on a number of websites for years because I’ve been so impressed by it’s ease of use as well as it’s flexibility in creating beautiful layouts with the drag-and-drop page-builder. They even boast that it’s “the user-friendliest WordPress theme ever made”. With over 20 demo content packages to choose from, this theme is a great starting point for any therapist who wants to get a beautiful private practice website up quickly and then customize with their own content.

MentalPress – ($59)

Therapist wordpress theme

MentalPress is a WordPress theme built with the psychology, counseling and medical fields in mind. Because of this, it offers a layout that includes places for all the info any therapist would want to showcase. Phone number and “Make an Appointment” button are prominently displayed. Other features include video tutorials on using the theme, demo content to get you started, and a drag-and-drop page builder to create awesome layouts. I’ve also heard, from folks who have used this theme, that customer support is fantastic.


Therapist WordPress Themes


The Psychologist WordPress theme has a bold look that will make any therapist stand out. It’s clean but it’s also colorful, has a drag-and-drop page builder and will look good across all devices. It also comes with an appointment and events calendar which could be useful for advertising group therapy sessions. It’s got more features than you’ll even need!


Wordpress themes for counselors

Seven is super stylish WordPress theme and a great option for your private practice website. The photos are given prominence, so find some great stock photos and to make your practice stand out. It features video tutorials to help beginners, a layout that looks great on all devices, and a handy drag-and-drop page builder to help you create fresh layouts for your content. Also a great option for the counselor who likes to blog, as it’s clean and easy to read.



Wordpress theme for counseling business


I think this one is my favorite. Extent is a truly versatile WordPress theme that has many options that would work great for creating a custom therapist website. It comes with 6 demo templates that you can install with one click, and then fill in your own info. These demos have different layouts so you can customize to your heart’s content. It’s optimized for search engines, has a drag-and-drop page builder, and fully responsive. The list of options is quite impressive, including multiple languages, making this a great option as a therapist WordPress theme.

Horizon – ($43)

Wordpress theme for private practitioners

The Horizon WordPress theme is set up to be a one page website. The site loads smoothly as you scroll down the page and elements animate in. Another great choice if you have some good stock photos for your therapy business. Key features include Visual Composer Page Builder, totally responsive, unlimited colors and hundreds of fonts.


Therapy wordpress themes


Valise was built more as a portfolio for designers but could easily be adapted for any therapist’s website. It’s simple, clean and colorful, and comes with Revolution Slider in case you want to create some fancy animations. It’s also fully responsive, search engine optimized and comes with full demo content to help you get started. There’s also video tutorials to help you learn the features.

One WordPress($33)

create a website for your therapy business


One WordPress is described as a “flat, responsive resume and personal portfolio theme”. It places most of the information on one homepage with bold colors and a place for your headshot. This one is simple and straightforward, allowing you to focus on your counseling services and lead your potential clients right into the contact form.

WP Prohibition($43)

Wordpress themes for private practitioners

Like the last theme, WP Prohibition is another theme that is clean but bold. The design is fully responsive so it will look great on all devices. It features a powerful page builder, search engine optimization and a fully customizable, drag-and-drop homepage builder. You also get free updates for life, so you know the creators are working to constantly improve their theme.

Well, There You Have It!

There are tons of WordPress themes to choose from when building your therapist website. It is by no means exhaustive, but I hope this list will save you some time as you create your own website to market your therapy business. If there are other themes that you’ve found that would be great for therapists, please let me know in the comments so I can add to the list!

For more info about finding a WordPress theme for your private practice, check out this post.

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