30. The 4 Step Process for Attracting Clients with Social Media With Jennifer Sneedan

by | Nov 18, 2019 | Podcast


If you’ve ever felt like using social media to get new clients in your therapy practice was a pipe dream, this week’s podcast episode will give you new hope.

In it, you’ll learn a simple four-step process that you can use to begin getting results from social media marketing for your private practice.

I don’t know where you’re at with social media for your private practice.

Maybe you’ve tried it in the past and just didn’t see the results you wanted.

Perhaps you posted some content and maybe even tried some of those boosted posts on Facebook, only to feel like you wasted money and didn’t get any clients.

The issue may not have been what you did, but the order and mindset in which you did your social media marketing experiments.

To help you get some traction with your social media and get started with a plan, we’ve got a social media pro, Jennifer Sneeden from Thriving Therapy Practice.

Jennifer is an author, speaker, therapist, business owner, mentor and visionary with one goal: helping entrepreneurs around the globe build thriving businesses and make a bigger impact on the world. 

She’s been using social media to grow private practices for over 10 years now, so this episode is jam-packed with strategies that work.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How using social media for marketing a private practice has changed in the last 10 years
  • Why having a social media presence is a non-negotiable when it comes to scaling a private practice and attracting more clients
  • How to save hours of time when creating content for social media
  • The number-one reason why therapists fail when trying to use social media to attract clients
  • Tips for getting more people engaged with your social media platforms
  • The two types of social posts that get the MOST engagement – do this and you’re golden
  • What you must do BEFORE focusing on getting more followers
  • How social media can actually get you more clients in your private practice

Free Webinar: 7 Steps to Convert More Website Visitors into your Ideal Clients

This episode is brought to you by my upcoming, free webinar, 7 Steps to Convert More Website Visitors into Ideal Clients. If you’re the one working on your own private practice website and you’re feeling like it can be more effective at getting your clients, then go ahead and register for this one!

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About Jennifer Sneeden

Jennifer Sneeden is an Author, Speaker, Therapist, Business Owner, Mentor and Visionary with one goal: Helping entrepreneurs around the globe build thriving businesses and make a bigger impact on the world. Years ago she struggled in her business, then she realized she had to take a completely different approach to building her business. She had to work on her own internal limiting beliefs BEFORE she could get the results she wanted.

Once Jennifer had the mindset she needed to succeed, she was able to approach marketing in a very different way. She stopped playing small and began to get very different results.

After just 18 months with a marketing plan that produced results, Jennifer grew her business from $20,000 a year to over six-figures. She has taken the same formula she used to grow her own business and now shares it with thousands of therapists and entrepreneurs around the world.

Grow your private practice with a new website strategy.

Get more traffic. Get more clients. Scale your practice.


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