I want to take some time out to get some feedback from you. Yes… YOU!
While I may know a couple things about how to build a therapy website or digital marketing, I want to make sure that I provide the best, most helpful articles to my readers. And I can’t do that without knowing more about you and the questions you may have.
It would do you a disservice and be prideful for me to just assume what your needs are with building or marketing your private practice.
And I don’t want to do that!
Maybe You’re Wondering:
- How can I make sense of Google Analytics?
- What’s the most important part of my therapy website’s homepage?
- How can I use social media to market my private practice?
- What’s the best way to attack a Rubix Cube?
Ok maybe you don’t care about that last one especially. But it proves the point. I can’t assume what challenges you face as a therapist or counselor marketing their practice.
So, Could You Answer a ONE Question Survey For Me??
It would help me out immensely and I would love you forever if you could answer this question for me. I created a one-question survey that asks, ‘What are/has been the biggest challenge you face in creating a successful private practice website?’
It should only take you a minute to fill out. Just click the button below, fill out the survey and I’ll do my very best to answer your questions to the best of my ability.
[av_button label=’TAKE THE SURVEY >’ link=’manually,http://goo.gl/forms/AKbcky1KkZ’ link_target=” size=’x-large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-2oaoer’]